Installation Instructions of 1734-in056

Installation Instructions

Original Instructions

POINT I/O Protected Output Module

Catalog Numbers 1734-OB2E, 1734-OB4E, 1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK, Series C

Catalog numbers with the suffix ‘K’ are conformal coated and their specifications are the same as non-conformal coated catalogs.



Summary of Changes


Before You Begin


Install the Mounting Base


Install the Module


Install the Removable Terminal Block


Remove a Mounting Base


Wire the Module


Communicate with Your Module


Interpret Status Indicators




Additional Resources


Summary of Changes

This publication contains the following new or updated information. This list includes substantive updates only and is not intended to reflect all changes.



Corrected Off-state leakage specification


Updated Certifications


Added Additional Resources



POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions

ATTENTION: Read this document and the documents listed in the Additional Resources section about installation, configuration and operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate or maintain this product. Users are required to familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.

Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice. If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.

注意:在安装、配置、操作和维护本产品前, 请阅读本文档以及 “ 其他资源 部分列出的有关设备安装、配置和操作的相应文档。除了所有适用规范、法律和标准的 相关要求之外, 用户还必须熟悉安装和接线说明。

安装、调整、投运、使用、组装、拆卸和维护等各项操作必须由经过适当训练的专业人员按照适用的操作规范实施。 如果未按照制造商指定的方式使用该设备, 则可能会损害设备提供的保护。

ATENCIÓN: Antes de instalar, configurar, poner en funcionamiento o realizarel mantenimiento de este producto, lea este documentoy los documentos listados en la sección Recursos adicionales acerca de la instalación, configuracióny operación de este equipo. Los usuarios deben familiarizarse con las instrucciones de instalación ycableado y con los requisitos de todos los códigos, leyes y estándares vigentes. El personal debidamente capacitado debe realizar las actividades relacionadas a la instalación,ajustes, puesta en servicio, uso, ensamblaje, desensamblaje y mantenimiento de conformidad con elcódigo de práctica aplicable. Si este equipo se usa de una manera no especificada por el fabricante, la protección provista porel equipo puede resultarafectada.

ATENÇÃO: Leia este e os demais documentos sobre instalação, configuração e operação do equipamento que estão na seção Recursos adicionais antes de instalar, configurar, operar ou manter este produto. Os usuários devem se familiarizar com as instruções de instalação e fiação além das especificações para todos os códigos, leis e normas aplicáveis.

É necessário que as atividades, incluindo instalação, ajustes, colocação em serviço, utilização, montagem, desmontagem e manutenção sejam realizadas por pessoal qualificado e especializado, de acordo com o código de prática aplicável.

Caso este equipamento seja utilizado de maneira não estabelecida pelo fabricante, a proteção fornecida pelo equipamento pode ficar prejudicada.

ВНИМАНИЕ: Перед тем как устанавливать, настраивать, эксплуатировать или обслуживать данное оборудование, прочитайте этот документ и документы,

2 Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions

Environment and Enclosure

ATTENTION: This equipment is intended for use in a Pollution Degree 2 industrial environment, in overvoltage Category II applications (as defined in EN/IEC 60664-1), at altitudes up to 2000 m (6562 ft) without derating.

This equipment is not intended for use in residential environments and may not provide adequate protection to radio communication services in such environments.

This equipment is supplied as open-type equipment for indoor use. It must be mounted within an enclosure that is suitably designed for those specific

environmental conditions that is present and appropriately designed to prevent personal injury resulting from accessibility to live parts. The enclosure must have suitable flame-retardant properties to prevent or minimize the spread of flame, complying with a flame spread rating of 5VA or be approved for the

application if nonmetallic. The interior of the enclosure must be accessible only by the use of a tool. Subsequent sections of this publication may contain more information regarding specific enclosure type ratings that are required to comply with certain product safety certifications.t are required to comply with

certain product safety certifications.

In addition to this publication, see the following:

• Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1, for more installation requirements.

NEMA Standard 250 and EN/IEC 60529, as applicable, for explanations of the degrees of protection provided by enclosures.

ATTENTION: Read this document and the documents that are listed in the Additional Resources section about installation, configuration, and operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required to familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to the requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.

Installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in

accordance with the applicable code of practice. In the case of malfunction or damage, no attempts at repair should be made. The module should be returned to the manufacturer for repair. Do not dismantle the module.

North American Hazardous Location Approval

The following information applies when operating this equipment in hazardous locations.

Informations sur l’utilisation de cet équipement en environnements dangereux.

Products marked “CL I, DIV 2, GPA, B, C, D” are suitable for use in Class I Division 2

Groups A,B,C,D, Hazardous Locations and nonhazardous locations only. Each

product is supplied with markings on the rating nameplate indicating the hazardous

location temperature code. When combining products within a system, the most

overall temperature code of the system. Combinations of equipment in your system

are subject to investigation by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction at the time of


Les produits marqués “CL I, DIV 2, GPA, B,C, D” ne conviennent qu’à une utilisation en

environnements de Classe I Division 2 Groupes A, B,C, D dangereux et non dangereux.

Chaque produit est livré avec des marquages sur sa plaque d’identification qui indiquent

le code de température pour les environnements dangereux. Lorsque plusieurs produits

du système. Les combinaisons d’équipements dans le système sont sujettes à inspection

par les autorités locales qualifiées au moment de l’installation.


Explosion Hazard –

Do not disconnect equipment unless power has been removed or the area is known to be nonhazardous.

Do not disconnect connections to this equipment unless power has been removed or the area is known to be nonhazardous.

Secure any external connections that mate to this equipment by using screws, sliding latches, threaded connectors, or other means provided with this product.

Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I Division 2.


Risque d’Explosion –

Couper le courant ou s’assurer que l’environnement est classé non dangereux avant de débrancher l’équipement.

Couper le courant ou s’assurer que l’environnement est classé non dangereux avant de débrancher les connecteurs. Fixer tous les

connecteurs externes reliés à cet équipement à l’aidede vis, loquets coulissants, connecteurs filetés ou autres moyens fournis avec ce produit.

La substitution de composants peut rendre cet équipement

inadapté à une utilisation en environnement de Classe I Division 2.

WARNING: When used in a Class I Division 2, hazardous location, this equipment must be mounted in a suitable enclosure with the proper wiring method that complies with the governing electrical codes.

IEC Hazardous Location Approval

The following applies to products with IECEx certification:

• Are intended for use in areas in which explosive atmospheres caused by gases, vapors, mists, or air are unlikely to occur, or are likely to occur only infrequently and for short periods. Such locations correspond to Zone 2 classification to IEC 60079-0.

• The type of protection is ExeC IICT4 Gc according to IEC 60079-0 and IEC 60079-7.

• Comply with Standards IEC 60079-0, Explosive atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment – General requirements, Edition 7, Revision Date 2017, and IEC 60079-7, 5.1 Edition revision date 2017, Explosive atmospheres – Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety “e”, reference IECEx certificate number IECEx UL 20.0072X.

• May have catalog numbers followed by a “K” to indicate a conformal coating option.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024 3


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions

UK and European Hazardous Location Approval

The following applies to products marked II 3 G:


Are intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres as defined by UKEX regulation 2016 No. 1107 and European Union Directive 2014/34/EU and has been found to

comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of Category 3 equipment intended for use in Zone 2 potentially explosive atmospheres, given in Schedule 1 of UKEX and Annex II of this Directive.

Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by compliance with EN IEC 60079-7, and EN IEC 60079-0.

Are Equipment Group II, Equipment Category 3, and comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of such equipment given in Schedule 1 of UKEX and Annex II of EU Directive 2014/34/EU. See the UKEx and EU Declaration of Conformity at for details.

The type of protection is Ex ec IICT4 Gc according to EN IEC 60079-0:2018, EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES – PART 0: EQUIPMENT – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Issue Date 07/2018, and CENELEC EN IEC 60079-7:2015+A1:2018, Explosive atmospheres. Equipment protection by increased safety “e”.

Comply with Standard EN IEC 60079-0:2018, EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES – PART 0: EQUIPMENT – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Issue Date 07/2018, and CENELEC EN IEC 60079- 7:2015+A1:2018 Explosive atmospheres. Equipment protection by increased safety “e”, reference certificate number DEMKO 04 ATEX 0330347X and UL22UKEX2478X.

Are intended for use in areas in which explosive atmospheres caused by gases, vapors, mists, or air are unlikely to occur, or are likely to occur only infrequently and for short periods. Such locations correspond to Zone 2 classification according to UKEX regulation 2016 No. 1107 and ATEX directive 2014/34/EU.

May have catalog numbers followed by a “K” to indicate a conformal coating option.


Special Conditions for Safe Use


• This equipment shall be mounted in an UKEX/ATEX/IECEx Zone 2 certified enclosure with a minimum ingress protection rating of at least IP54 (in accordance with EN/IEC 60079-0) and used in an environment of not more than Pollution Degree 2 (as defined in EN/IEC 60664-1) when applied in Zone 2 environments. The enclosure must be accessible only by the use of a tool.

• This equipment shall be used within its specified ratings that are defined by Rockwell Automation®.

• Transient protection shall be provided that is set at a level not exceeding 140% of the peak-rated voltage at the supply terminals to the equipment.

• The instructions in the user manual shall be observed.

• This equipment must be used only with UKEX/ATEX/IECEx certified Rockwell Automation backplanes.

• Earthing is accomplished through mounting of modules on rail.

• Devices shall be used in an environment of not more than Pollution Degree 2.


• This product is grounded through the DIN rail to chassis ground. Use zinc-plated chromate-passivated steel DIN rail to assure proper grounding. The use of

See Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1, for more information.

• Do not remove or replace an adapter while power is applied. Interruption of the backplane can result in unintentional operation or machine motion.

• Do not discard the end cap. Use this end cap to cover the exposed interconnections on the last mounting base on the DIN rail. Failure to do so could result in equipment damage or injury from electric shock.

• If this equipment is used in a manner that is not specified by the manufacturer, the protection that is provided by the equipment may be impaired.

Prevent Electrostatic Discharge

ATTENTION: This equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which can cause internal damage and affect normal operation. Follow these guidelines when you handle this equipment:

• Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static.

• Wear an approved grounding wriststrap.

• Do not touch connectors or pins on component boards.

• Do not touch circuit components inside the equipment.

• Use a static-safe workstation, if available.

• Store the equipment inappropriate static-safe packaging when not in use.

Electrical Safety Considerations


• This equipment is certified for use only within the surrounding air temperature range of -20…+55 °C (-4…+131 °F). The equipment must not be used outside of this range.

• Use only a soft dry anti-static cloth to wipe down equipment. Do not use any cleaning agents.

4 Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions

Before You Begin

You can use these Series C POINT I/O™ Protected Output modules with DeviceNet® and PROFIBUS adapters. If you are using Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application, version 20 or later, you can also use the Series C modules with ControlNet® and EtherNet/IP™ adapters.

Use Figure 1 to identify the external features of the module. The 1734-OB4E module is shown.

ModuleStatusNetworkStatusNODE:24VDCSourceOutput01231734OB4EFigure 1 – POINT I/O Protected Output Module




Module locking mechanism


Mounting base


Slide-in writable label


Interlocking side pieces 1734-OB2E, 1734-OB4E, 1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK, Series C


Insertable I/O module


Mechanical keying (orange)


RTB handle


DIN rail locking screw (orange)




Module wiring diagram

Install the Mounting Base

To install the mounting base on the DIN rail, proceed as follows:

1. Position the mounting base vertically above the installed units (adapter, power supply, or existing module).

2. Slide the mounting base down allowing the interlocking side pieces to engage the adjacent module or adapter.

3. Press firmly to seat the mounting base on the DIN rail. The mounting base snaps into place.

4. To remove the mounting base from the DIN rail, remove the module, and use a small-bladed screwdriver to rotate the base locking screw to a vertical position. This releases the locking mechanism.

5. Lift straight up to remove.

Install the Module

The module can be installed before or after base installation. Make sure that the mounting base is correctly keyed before installing the module into the mounting base. In addition, make sure that the mounting base locking screw is positioned horizontally referenced to the base.

WARNING: When you insert or remove the module while backplane power is on, an electric arc can occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations.

Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding. Repeated electrical arcing causes excessive wear to contacts on both the module and its mating connector. Worn contacts may create electrical resistance that can affect module operation.

1. Using a bladed screwdriver, rotate the keyswitch on the mounting base clockwise until the number required for the type of module being installed aligns with the notch in the base.

2. Verify that the DIN rail locking screw is in the horizontal position. You cannot insert the module if the locking mechanism is unlocked.

3. Insert the module straight down into the mounting base and press to secure. The module locks into place.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024 5


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions

Install the Removable Terminal Block

AnRTB is supplied with your wiring base assembly. To remove, pull up on the RTB handle. This allows the mounting base to be removed and replaced as necessary without removing any of the wirings. To reinsert the RTB, proceed as follows.

WARNING: When you connect or disconnect the Removable Terminal Block (RTB) with field-side power applied, an electric arc can occur. This can cause an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding.

1. Insert the end opposite the handle into the base unit. This end has a curved section that engages with the wiring base.

2. Rotate the terminal block into the wiring base until it locks itself in place.

3. If an I/O module is installed, snap the RTB handle into place on the module.


Hook the RTBend into the mounting base end, and rotate until it locks into place.

WARNING: For 1734-RTBS and 1734-RTB3S, to latch and unlatch the wire, insert a bladed screwdriver (catalog number 1492-N90 – 3 mm [0.12 in.] diameter blade) into the opening at approximately 73° (blade surface is parallel with the top surface of the opening) and push up gently.


WARNING: For 1734-TOPS and 1734-TOP3S, to latch and unlatch the wire, insert a bladed screwdriver (catalog number 1492-N90 – 3 mm [0.12 in.] diameter blade) into the opening at approximately 97° (blade surface is parallel with top surface of the opening) and press in (do not push up or down).


Remove a Mounting Base

To remove a mounting base, you must remove any installed module, and the module installed in the base to the right. Remove the RTB, if wired.

1. Unlatch the RTB handle on the I/O module.

2. Pull on the RTB handle to remove the RTB.

3. Press the module lock on the top of the module.

4. Pull on the I/O module to remove from the base.

5. Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the module to the right.

6. Use a small-bladed screwdriver to rotate the orange base locking screw to a vertical position. This releases the locking mechanism.

7. Lift straight up to remove.

6 Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions

Wire the Module

POINT I/O Protected Output Module

1734-OB2E 1734-OB4E 1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK

Output 0

Output 0



C = Common V = Supply

Output 1

Output 1



Output 0

Output 2



Output 1

Output 3



Output 0

Output 2

Output 4

Output 6

Output 1

Output 3

Output 5

Output 7

WARNING: If you connect or disconnect wiring while the field-side power is on, an electric arc can occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding.


Output Module 1734-OB2E

C = Common V = 12/24V DC

Field power is supplied by the internal power bus


Out 0


Out 0



1 Out 1

3 Out 1

5 C



7 V



Output Terminal

Common Terminal


Channel 0

0, 2



Channel 1

1, 3



Module power is supplied by the internal power bus.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024 7


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions


Output Module 1734-OB4E

C = Common

Field power is supplied by the internal power bus.


Out 0

1 Out 1


Out 2

3 Out 3



5 C



7 C



Output Terminal

Common Terminal

Channel 0



Channel 1



Channel 2



Channel 3



Module power is supplied by the internal power bus.

Output Module 1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK


0 1

Out 0 Out 1


2 3

Out 2 Out 3 ·

4 5

Out 4 Out 5

6 7

Out 6 Out 7



Output Terminal

Common Terminal


Channel 0


Common MUST be daisy chained from either a 1734 adapter, 1734-FPD or 1734-EP24DC, or from a user-supplied auxiliary terminal block.

The 24V DC power for the module is supplied by the internal

power bus and originates from the same adapter, 1734-FPD, or 1734-EP24DC.

Channel 1


Channel 2


Channel 3


Channel 4


Channel 5


Channel 6


Channel 7


ATTENTION: Common MUST be daisy chained from either a 1734 adapter, 1734-FPD, or 1734-EP24DC, or from a user-supplied auxiliary terminal block.

ATTENTION: Do not wire more than two conductors on any single terminal.

8 Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions

Wiring Example for 1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK

System Power

DeviceNet Power

24V DC return


Terminal block with bus connector strip

Communicate with Your Module

POINT I/O modules receive (consume) and send (produce) I/O data (messages). You map this data into the processor memory.

The POINT I/O output modules produce 1 byte of input data (scanner Rx) and fault status data. They consume 1 byte of I/O data (scanner Tx).

Table 1 – Default Data Map for 1734-OB2E Message size: 1 Byte









Produces (scanner Rx)

Not used



Channel status

Where: 0 = no error, 1 = error

Message size: 1 Byte









Consumes (scanner Tx)

Not used



Channel state

Where: 0 = off, 1 = on

Table 2 – Default Data Map for 1734-OB4E Message size: 1 Byte









Produces (scanner Rx)

Not used





Channel status

Where: 0 = no error, 1 = error

Message size: 1 Byte









Consumes (scanner Tx)

Not used





Channel state

Where: 0 = off, 1 = on

Table 3 – Default Data Map for 1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK Message size: 1 Byte









Produces (scanner Rx)









Channel status

Where: 0 = no error, 1 = error

Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024 9


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions

Message size: 1 Byte









Consumes (scanner Tx)









Channel state

Where: 0 = off, 1 = on

Interpret Status Indicators

See Figure 2 and Table 4 for information on how to interpret the status indicators.

Figure 2 – Status Indicators for POINT I/O Protected Output Modules

1734-OB2E 1734-OB4E 1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK


Module status Network status

Status of Output 0 Status of Output 1 Status of Output 2 Status of Output 3

Module Status

Network Status


24VDC Source Output





1734 OB4E

Status of Outputs 0 & 4 Status of Outputs 1 & 5 Status of Outputs 2 & 6 Status of Outputs 3 & 7

Module Status

Network Status


24VDC Source Output



Table 4 – Status Indicator Descriptions



Module status


No power is applied to the device.


The device is operating normally.

Flashing green

The device needs commissioning due to missing, incomplete, or incorrect configuration.

Flashing red

Recoverable fault


An unrecoverable fault that may require device replacement.

Flashing red/green

The device is in self-test mode.

Network status


The device is not online:

– The device has not completed the dup_MAC-ID test.

– The device is not powered – Check the module status indicator.

Flashing green

The device is online but has no connections in the established state.


The device is online and has connections in the established state.

Flashing red

One or more I/O connections are in a timed-out state.


Critical link failure – Failed communication device. The device has detected an error that prevents it from communicating on the network.

Flashing red/green

Communication faulted device – The device has detected a network access error and is in a communication-faulted state. The device has received and accepted an Identity Communication Faulted Request – Long protocol message.

I/O status


All outputs are inactive.


One or more output is active and under control.

Flashing red

An open circuit is detected. No load. Off-state only.


A short circuit is detected.

10 Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions


POINT I/O Protected Output Module – 1734-OB2E, 1734-OB4E, 1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK




1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK

Number of outputs, non-isolated, sourcing

2 (1 group of 2)

4 (1 group of 4)

8 (1 group of 8)

On-state voltage, min

10V DC

On-state voltage, nom

24V DC

On-state voltage, max

28.8V DC

On-state voltage drop, max

0.2V DC

On-state current, min, per channel

1.0 mA

Off-state leakage, max

0.5 mA @ 28.8V DC

Output signal delay(1), max Off to On

On to Off

0.1 ms 0.1 ms

Output current rating, per output

1.0 A

1.0 A

Output current rating, max, per module

2.0 A

3.0 A

Surge current

2 A for 10 ms, repeatable every 3 s

Indicators (field side indication, logic-driven)

2 yellow – Output status

2 red – Output fault

2 green/red – Module/network status

4 yellow – Output status

4 red – Output fault

2 green/red – Module/network status

8 yellow – Output status

8 red – Output fault

2 green/red – Module/network status

Keyswitch position


Field wiring terminations

0 – Output 0

1 – Output 1

2 – Output 0

3 – Output 1

4 – Common

5 – Common

6 – Supply

7 – Supply

0 – Output 0

1 – Output 1

2 – Output 2

3 – Output 3

4 – Common

5 – Common

6 – Common

7 – Common

0 – Output 0

1 – Output 1

2 – Output 2

3 – Output 3

4 – Output 4

5 – Output 5

6 – Output 6

7 – Output 7

(1) Off to On delay is time from a valid output “on” signal to output energization. On to Off delay is time from a valid output “off” signal to output de-energization.

General Specifications




1734-OB8E, 1734-OB8EK

Terminal base screw torque

0.8 N•m (7 lb•in)

Module location

1734-TB or 1734-TBS wiring base assembly

POINTBus™ current, max

75 mA @ 5V DC

Power dissipation @ 28.8V DC, max

0.8 W

1.2 W

2.0 W

Thermal dissipation @ 28.8V DC, max

2.7 BTU/hr

4.1 BTU/hr

6.8 BTU/hr

Isolation voltage

50V (continuous), reinforced insulation type

Tested @ 2500VDC for 60 s, field-side to system

External DC power supply voltage, nom

24V DC

External DC power voltage range

10…28.8V DC

External DC power supply current

8 mA

16 mA

32 mA

Dimensions, HxWxD

56.0 x 12.0 x 75.5 mm (2.21 x 0.47 x 2.97 in.)

Wiring category(1)

2 – on signal ports

Wire size

Determined by installed terminal block

Weight, approx.

32.60 g (1.15 oz)

33.17 g (1.17 oz)

35.4 g (1.25 oz)

Enclosure type rating

None (open-style)

North American temp code




UKEX/ATEXtemp code


IECEx temp code


(1) Use this Conductor Category information for planning conductor routing as described in the appropriate System Level Installation Manual. Also see Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1, for more information.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024 11


Environmental Specifications



Temperature, operating

IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, operating cold),

IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, operating dry heat),

IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, operating thermal shock): -20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +55 °C (-4 °F ≤ Ta ≤ + 131 °F)

Temperature, nonoperating

IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged nonoperating cold),

IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged nonoperating dry heat),

IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na,Unpackaged nonoperating thermal shock): -40…+85 °C (-40…+185 °F)

Temperature, surrounding air, max

55 °C (131 °F)

Relative humidity

IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, unpackaged damp heat): 5…95% noncondensing


IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, operating)

5 g @ 10…500 Hz

Shock, operating

IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, unpackaged shock):

30 g

Shock, nonoperating

IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, unpackaged shock):

50 g


IEC 61000-6-4

ESD immunity

IEC 61000-4-2:

6 kV contact discharges

8 kV air discharges

Radiated RF immunity

IEC 61000-4-3:

10V/m with 1 kHz sine wave 80% AM from 80…6000 MHz

EFT/B immunity

IEC 61000-4-4:

±2 kV at 5 kHz on power ports ±2 kV at 5 kHz on signal ports

Surge transient immunity

IEC 61000-4-5:

±1 kV line-line (DM) and ±2 kV line-earth (CM) on signal ports

Conducted RF immunity

IEC 61000-4-6:

10V rms with 1 kHz sine wave 80% AM from 150 kHz…80 MHz


Certification (when product Is marked)(1)



UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.

UL Listed for Class I Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.

UK and CE

UK Statutory Instrument 2016 No. 1091 and European Union 2014/30/EU EMC Directive, compliant with: EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements

EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions

EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8,Zone A & B)

UK Statutory Instrument 2012 No. 3032 and European Union 2011/65/EU RoHS, compliant with: EN IEC 63000; Technical documentation


Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with: AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial Emissions


UK Statutory Instrument 2016 No. 1107 and European Union 2014/34/EU ATEX Directive, compliant with: EN IEC 60079-0; General Requirements

EN IEC 60079-7; Explosive Atmospheres, Protection “e”

II 3G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc

DEMKO 04 ATEX 0330347X UL22UKEX2478X


Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with: Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3


IECEx System, compliant with:

IEC 60079-0; General Requirements

IEC 60079-7; Explosive Atmospheres, Protection “e” II 3 G Ex ec IIC T4 Gc

IECEx UL 20.0072X


Arrêté ministérieln° 6404-15 du 29 ramadan 1436


CNCA-C23-01 强制性产品认证实施规则 防爆电气

CNCA-C23-01 CCC Implementation Rule Explosion-Proof Electrical Products CCC: 2020122309111607

(1) See the Product Certification link at for Declaration of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.

12 Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024


POINT I/O Protected Output Module Installation Instructions

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POINT I/O Modules Selection Guide, publication 1734-SG001

Provides information on how to select POINT I/O adapters, terminal bases, I/O modules, and accessories.

POINT I/O Digital and Analog Modules and POINTBlock I/O Modules User Manual, publication 1734-UM001

A detailed description of module functionality, configuration, and information on how to use the POINT I/O digital and analog modules.

Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1

More information on proper wiring and grounding techniques.

Product Certifications website,

Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.

Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024 13


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Publication 1734-IN056L-EN-E – March 2024 | Supersedes Publication 1734-IN056K-EN-E – September 2022

Copyright © 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

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